Categories: health talk

Know the nutritional value of Amra

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a popular proverb in Bengal called Amra wood. Whatever the wood of Amra tree, its fruit is quite interesting and popular. It would be a mistake to call Amra fruit just a fun fruit because it contains many nutrients. Amara is the result of the rainy season, so during this time, various vendors are seen selling in vans on the streets. Today we will highlight the nutritional value of Amra for the readers.

Ripe and unripe amra are preferred by everyone as amra has a glossy appearance that goes away when it is ripe. Vendors cut amra and decorate it like a flower and sprinkle it with salt and pepper. It is very good to eat. Also, many people eat Amra Bharta at home and eat Amra with various curries. Let's see how much nutrients are in 100 grams of Amra. Nutritionists say that 100 grams of Amra contains-

1. Food energy - 46 kcal,
2. Non-vegetarian - 0.2 grams
3. Fat - 0.1 gm
4. Sugars - 12.4 grams
5. Calcium - 56 mg
6. Phosphorus - 67 mg
7. Iron – 0.3 mg
8. Carotene- 205 mg
9. Thiamine – 0.05 mg
10. Riboflavin- 0.02 mg
11. Vitamin C- 36 mg

I know about the nutrients of amra, but let's now know what amra benefits our body.

1. Amaranth reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood. It reduces heart stroke and hypertension levels.
2. Amaranth contains a lot of vitamin C and calcium. It helps prevent various gum and lip diseases.
3. Doctors say amra is a fiber food. It relieves indigestion and constipation.
4. Amaranth contains a lot of antioxidants that help prevent some serious diseases including cancer.
5. Amra is very effective in relieving food aversion and overheating of the body.
6. Moreover, eating Amra makes hair, skin and nails much more beautiful.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৬, ২০২৪ 2:44 pm

KA B Tohin

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