The Dhaka Times Desk Our world was going well within the laws of classical physics. It was then that Einstein's theory of relativity changed the entire concept of the universe. Influences us to think about the universe in a new way. Because in the traditional wisdom, space-time was not an obstacle to the theoretical consideration of the Sutras. But Einstein came along and made a dichotomy here. One theory of the bifurcated universe is the super string theory or the cosmic string theory.
Looking back:
Until Einstein we had no idea that if you were to think about anything in the universe you had to consider space and time and dimensions. General relativity changed the concept of the universe and physics so much that at first the whole thing was a mess. To eliminate this mess, scientists started giving new ideas. And from all these ideas came the origin of quantum physics. The conflict between classical physics and quantum physics began. Where classical physics wants to tie everything to a formula, quantum physics says you can't tie everything to a formula. So they introduced the concept of singularity where no solution could be found. This conflict continued until the middle of the last century. Then scientists thought to end the sting. It is how to integrate classical physics and quantum physics. Bringing everything together, that would be the Grand Unified Theory. This is The Theory of Everything. So all the scientists around the world started the struggle to unify the four fundamental forces. Gravitational force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force were unified. But the problem was that it could not be brought to the bug by consolidating the strong nuclear force. And then scientists brought the concept of superstring theory to the world. The idea of superstrings is not really new, say scientists. A thousand years ago, a great man lived in Greece, he was Pythagoras. He was the first to say that the universe is bound by a string.
What is superstring theory?
String means thread and superstring is cosmic thread. Our universe is tied together by a thread. This thread controls everything in our world. This is the only basic thing in the world. All balls are in the same position. In the 1960s, a group of scientists turned to string theory while developing the Grand Unified Theory. They are Yoichiro Nambu of Japan, Holger Bech of Denmark, Leonard Susskind of the United States and John Henry Schwarz. However, Germany's Theodor Kalutsa fueled this idea first. He first said why we should consider the universe as four-dimensional. Why don't we think about more dimensions? Think about it once we can't understand the dimensions after three dimensions, how can we understand more dimensions? After the publication of this concept, scientists initially expressed doubt that after the four dimensions, where are the remaining dimensions. We don't see that because the rest of the dimensions are actually entangled with the string. This is the superstring theory of the isometric world. Newton's gravitational force would apply to superstring theory. But in this case the world is not as symmetrical as we see it. This will be great symmetry. And the most interesting thing is that there will be at least 10 dimensions of the world. That is, you will not be able to see far to understand it from the four-dimensional world.