The Dhaka Times
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Death of Abdul Alim, sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity

The Dhaka Times Desk Abdul Alim, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity in 1971, died. He died in the ICU of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital at around 1:15 pm on Saturday.

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His funeral will be held after Maghrib on Saturday at Banani Masjid. According to family sources, after the funeral, he will be buried in the family cemetery at his village home in Joypurhat.

Ailing Alim was first treated in the prison cell of the Central Jail at BSMMU Hospital when his condition deteriorated last Tuesday. Later, when his physical condition worsened, the concerned doctor advised him to be shifted to ICU, and in the evening, the prison authorities shifted him to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital. He was on life support since admission there. He died around 1:15 pm on Saturday. Abdul Alim was suffering from lung cancer for a long time.

It is to be noted that Abdul Alim, Chairman of Joypurhat Peace Committee and Commander of Razakar during the 1971 Liberation War, was sentenced to life imprisonment by the International Criminal Tribunal-2 on November 9 last year for crimes against humanity. Since then he has remained in prison. The 3-member tribunal headed by Justice Obaidul Hasan, chairman of the International Criminal Tribunal-2, said in its verdict, ``Abdul Alim's crime was punishable by death, but he was sentenced to life imprisonment due to his physical and mental disability.''

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