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Pomegranates are rich in disease-fighting antioxidants

The Dhaka Times Desk আমরা অসুখ-বিসুখ হলে ডালিম খেয়ে থাকি। এই ডালিমে কি গুণাগুণ রয়েছে সে কথা জানিনা। বিশেষ করে যারা ডায়েট কন্ট্রোল করতে চান তাদের জন্য ডালিম হতে পারে এক নিয়ামক উৎস।


We only eat pomegranate when we are sick. But we should eat it at other times too. Especially those who need to control their diet can use it as a medicine. The reason for this is that the feeling of hunger decreases and the hunger pangs become tolerable and besides, pomegranate contains a large amount of anti-oxidants. It is very beneficial for diet controllers.


Let's find out what benefits it provides

Recent studies have revealed such information. Researchers report:

# Eating pomegranate reduces the feeling of hunger.
# hunger pangs become tolerable.
# Eating pomegranate or its ingredients regularly reduces appetite.
# Food demand will decrease.

Scientific studies have also proven that pomegranates are rich in disease-fighting antioxidants. A new study has shown that eating pomegranate regularly for 3 weeks leads to less hunger than others.

The sampling of the study showed that those who regularly consumed pomegranate ingredients ate an average of only 22 percent of the rice plate in front of them. But they ate it with full satisfaction.

29 volunteers from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh took part in the study. Half of them consumed pomegranate extract regularly for 3 weeks. And others did not eat it. The study found that those who ate pomegranates had a 12 percent reduction in hunger compared to others.

So researchers say, those who want to control their diet can eat pomegranate regularly. It will be very beneficial in their diet control.
