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Chimpanzees are not selfish: theirs! There is also the power of justice

The Dhaka Times Desk Until now, everyone thought that only human beings have the best ability to create the quality of justice. Recently, scientists have claimed that chimpanzees are not selfish. This animal also has the quality of justice. Chimpanzees have the ability to reward worthy mates!


US researchers arranged a special game to test whether chimpanzees have human qualities. This game is organized with six chimpanzees. At the end of the game, the chimpanzees were rewarded. A chimpanzee is allowed to share the prize. It shows that the chimpanzee equally gave more of the reward to its partners who were more active in the game. The partner who was somewhat inactive, was given a relatively small portion. Researchers conducted this study on 20 children aged 2 to 7 years and found the same result. It follows that, if partners are properly supported, the rewards are shared equally.
The main researcher in this matter is Professor Dr. University of Georgia. Darby Proctor said, 'We did separate studies on humans and chimpanzees. The results showed that they are following the same procedure in award distribution. It has been proved that not only humans but chimpanzees have the quality of justice.' Daily Mail.

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