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NASA's rover Curiosity is ready to dig Mars!

The Dhaka Times Desk Science is only advancing day by day. The news has come out that they will start digging on Mars. Location of NASA's rover Curiosity in the Yellowknife Bay area of Mars. The rover will soon start digging on Mars. Internet news news.
নাসার রোভার কিউরিওসিটি
NASA's Curiosity rover is ready to dig into the surface of Mars. Excavation is expected to begin within the next two weeks. Work is underway to determine exactly where Curiosity will dig. News BBC Online, Genius Online.

The area selected for excavation is full of different types of rock. Many of these are believed to have been underwater at one time. Curiosity will start digging anywhere in the region. On Tuesday, the rover's project manager, Richard Cook, said the exact location of the excavation had yet to be determined. He said, the suitable place will be fixed by analyzing the results obtained with the help of the survey equipment attached to the vehicle. Curiosity will make five five-centimeter holes in the Martian surface.

Richard Cook describes the whole process as slow. Because the mining equipment will need to be decontaminated. There is a danger of such pollutants from Earth going to Mars. The excavation site is named after John Klein, an engineer on NASA's Mars project who died in 2011.

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