The Dhaka Times
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Gangnam style dance bear!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone from the stars to the common people danced to the very popular Gangnam style of the popular South Korean singer Psy. Even Ban Ki-moon was not left out. But recently, something different has happened. A bear started dancing in Gangnam style.

The Dhaka Times

This strange incident happened in Katmai National Park in southern Alaska. Alexey Tsenko was there with the camera. He started photographing long ago so that the bear became normal. It has been beneficial. He made the first Gangnam style dance of any animal. When you see the pictures, you have to fall on the ground laughing. Photographers say their worth in taking such pictures.








The story is that the bear went down to the river to catch fish. The dance he did to get out of the water to dry himself off after work is the only Gangnam style match in the world. People around are very amused to see this. Bears are very cute animals. Its activity therefore becomes a source of entertainment.


Psy's Gangnam Style reached over a billion views on YouTube in 2012. Currently this number has crossed two billion. A bear dance will be very encouraging for Sai.

Reference: dailymail

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