Categories: opinion

How you use your time properly

The Dhaka Times Desk How big a factor time is at work becomes clear after time has passed. Maybe it turned out that even after giving enough time to your work, you still managed to finish the work on time. In such a situation, you might be tearing your hair out. But don't tear your hair and think for a moment that your plan was flawed. That's why you have to post.

In fact every work should have some plan so that the work can be completed on time. No matter how much planning you do, you may not be able to do this job well when time passes. So today we will present a plan on how you can do the work on time. Hope this helps you well in your work. But let's find out-

1. Make a list of tasks:

Think it's a waste of time. Actually no it will not waste your time but it will make your work easier. Make a list of your daily tasks and keep them in front of your eyes. Hang this list somewhere where you can always see it. Like your bedroom where your eyes go. Or on the refrigerator next to the dining table. As a result, you will feel the rush of work if you see these tasks in the gap of other tasks. And nowadays there are various kinds of compromises in smartphones which will give you work notifications. As a result, you will not be able to forget about the work.

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2. Find a separate place for yourself:

Choose a nice and peaceful place for your work. The work environment is nice but also good to work. A quiet, peaceful environment is good for you if you are considering your work or studies. Because the environment in your work will help you to work more attentively. In this case, make the work space comfortable, like a nice chair, table. But don't make the work place too comfortable as it may harm the work.

3. Keep the working materials ready:

Always keep your work materials well organized. This way you will have the essentials close at hand during work. Which will not distract you in your work. Many people are lazy in organizing their work materials. As a result, he does not find the necessary things during work and thus rushes which disrupts the work. So always keep your work materials neatly organized.

4. Remember the time:

Keep time around you at work. Actually have a table clock so that you can catch the time in your eyes. This allows you to focus on the task at hand. Keep one thing in mind, don't distract yourself from your work by looking at the clock in front of you, that you can do it when you have time.

5. Some rest between work:

Never go to work continuously, rest for a short time after completing a task. You can eat something light at this time, tea or coffee. Then start working again. You will see that you are getting a good speed in the work.

Follow the above rules to get the job done well on time and you will get good results. Moreover, what else you can do is:

[a] Plot your work schedule on a calendar. You can also write a short title of the work.

[b] You can keep a flowchart of the work in a notebook that shows what to do next.

[c] Take a walk outside after a long day of work. You will feel lightheaded.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৭ 10:28 pm

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