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Facebook will tell you how many people are watching you on Facebook

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook is becoming popular day by day, no other social media can even come close to Facebook. Facebook is constantly updating users with new features. Now a new system is going to be connected to Facebook, where you can see how many people are watching you.


Profile visitor or ID view was available on other sites but not on Facebook. However, Facebook said that users can know exactly how many users have seen their photo post or link. In many cases, even though many people see the picture video link status, they do not like or comment, so the user does not know who has seen the status picture video, who has not seen it, or exactly how many people have seen it.

Facebook has already given this option to many user profiles, in this case you have to go to the privacy option of your Facebook to see if the new option has come, if it has come, then if you enable it from there, Facebook will tell you how many people are viewing the posts, pictures, links on your ID. Actual calculation.

Now, many celebrities have been created on Facebook based on likes, comments, views, so it is believed that this view count calculation will be effective for many.

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