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How do you know if you are overspending?

The Dhaka Times Desk A person's income is not increasing at the same rate as the price of daily necessities. Due to this increase in commodity prices, the life of the working class or the middle class traders is in dire condition. In this situation, if you do not control your daily expenses, your situation will become worse. So be aware of the daily expenses.

Our topic today is how to understand if you are overspending on your daily expenses. This day-to-day expenditure can be of different types in different areas. In the case of a bachelor his expenses will be one way and in the case of a married man the expenses will be different. But overall there are some variables of cost which are almost same for all. We will try to give you some guidance on those variables so that you can take a rein on your spending.

1. Vehicles:

Vehicles are a big factor in our daily spending. It's natural that you'll be surprised when you calculate how much your commute costs. But this field becomes unbridled if you find that you are using rickshaws or CNG most of the time to commute to work or commuting instead of regular public buses. Be aware of the cost behind the vehicle. Keep a detailed account of how much money you spend on vehicles on your daily commute. As a result, when you see your spending money on the way, you will realize that you are spending more on the vehicle.

2. Outside food:

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People whose work place is far away from their home usually take their meal i.e. lunch outside. Be careful when eating out. Apart from being health conscious, also keep an eye on the health of your wallet. Because the price of outside food is very high in the current market. If you look at your health, the food will cost sky high and if you look at money, the food will be unhealthy. But you have to combine these two. How to do that? Keep a specific measure of how much you will spend on food. If you go beyond this measure, you will realize that you are spending extra on food.

3. Expensive Brand Clothing:

Try to avoid expensive brand shoes, expensive brand clothes. A large part of our daily expenditure goes towards shoes and clothing. Try to buy more affordable clothes instead of expensive brands. You may have liked one dress but you may have several similar dresses. However you buy that dress it will be an extra expense unless your income is limited. Because at the end of the month you have to reduce the cost from another place for this extra cost or else you will be in a state of starvation.

4. A storm in a cup of tea in chat

Chatting is essential for your mental health. Chatting is a kind of tonic in our busy work life. Which brings enthusiasm for another day. But if you are too generous in chat, it will be problematic for you. Again, if you do not contribute to the chat, you will become idle. So be careful about spending on chat. Moreover, it is better to have everyone together in a chat, so that there will not be too much pressure on one person, and in the case of the chat bill, everyone will not be looking at one person. Keep a measure in mind for your chat spending, when you see it getting higher than this measure, you will know that your spending has increased.

5. Unnecessary expenses:

You may have gone to the market thinking that you will buy these products but you returned from the market and bought other products instead of buying these products. Again it was seen that you went shopping without deciding what to buy and bought something useless which only cost your money. In this way, we spend a lot of money on our daily unnecessary expenses. So prepare a list of what to buy before shopping or market. When you see that more things are being bought than you need, you will know that you are buying unnecessary things and spending more money.

If you are a little aware, you can save a lot of money from extra expenses that can be left as a surplus after your monthly expenses. You can save it. If we want to improve our standard of living more, we need to focus on savings.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৭ 11:00 pm

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