Categories: Science-invention

Some essential innovations that may seem unnecessary

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes a very small thing can appear in the form of a problem in your life. Unless some great invention comes out to solve those problems. Today we will highlight some such wonderful inventions. These innovations may appear very small to your eyes. But when you look at the need, you will understand how useful it is.

Check out this staircase below and wonder if there was a need for such a strangely designed staircase. But consider what to do when a person in a wheelchair approaches these stairs. This ladder has been invented with this in mind.

It can be called a multi-tasking bed. There are two beds for sleeping. Beside the sofa are some books for your entertainment. The books are kept in the shelves.

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How much toilet tissue is needed is understood when the toilet runs out of tissue. Hence this novel system.

You may say I understand all is necessary but what is the need of this plug our normal plug is ok. If the plug is jammed in the socket, it means opening the plug.

If you think about it proportionally, you'd be surprised how much paste we waste thinking we've run out of toothpaste tubes. So the idea of such a tube of toothpaste is great to prevent wastage.

Don't mistake it for bread. It looks like bread but is actually a schoolbox. Where children's pens, pencils and other necessary school supplies are kept.

This invention will really impress you. There are many mountain bikers in our country for whom this would be quite beneficial.

Reference: ViralNova

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৭ 10:38 pm

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