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World News Brief (23-01-13)

The Dhaka Times Desk Like every week, today we will bring you interesting news from around the world - hope you like it.

A strange monkey with a long nose

The name of this curious monkey is 'Proboscis monkey', they live in the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. This monkey is called strange because of its nose. In fact, they look like all other species of monkeys, but the difference is their nose. Proboscis monkeys have a strange and long nose. It is several inches long and reddish-brown in color. And because of this nose, the poor monkeys look like monkeys. However, it is not yet known what this huge nose is used for. According to biologists, this nose is useful for distinguishing male and female monkeys. Because only the male proboscis monkey has such a long nose. But apart from the nose, they have another strange organ. That is their huge stomach. Large-bellied animals are generally carnivorous in nature. But their case is completely opposite. Because of this stomach, the poor monkeys cannot eat ripe fruits at all. Because the digestion process inside their huge stomach is very complicated. And they have a lot of gas in their stomachs. Because of this plight of the poor. But even if they can't eat ripe fruits, they eat fruits, seeds and leaves quite happily. Although they have long noses and huge bellies, they are very good at climbing trees. They can climb trees rather faster than other monkeys. And their other great quality is that they can swim very well.

Rare Ivory-billed Woodpecker

NASA is working to find an endangered species of woodpecker with ivory beaks. The Ivory-billed Woodpecker was recently spotted in Arkansas. NASA and the University of Maryland are working together to find it. NASA will generate a type of wave energy through the device to find out the habitat of this bird. This wave will be sent to the surface of the earth. These waves in the leaves, branches and soil will return to the device. And ornithologists will analyze these waves to find out where the ivory-billed woodpecker lives. Entrepreneurs want to implement this project soon. For this, all information about woodpeckers will be handed over to the researchers. Note that the Ivory-billed Woodpecker has not been seen in the last 50 years.

Many waterfalls

Iguazu Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world at the junction of Brazil and Argentina. Brazil in the north, Argentina in the south and Paraguay in the west - two main rivers touch the three countries. One is called Iguazu, the other is called Parana. This beautiful waterfall is created 22 km before the confluence of these two rivers. Seeing Iguazu, many people do not say waterfalls, they say waterfalls. The Iguazu divides into many branches before joining the Paraná River, creating 275 waterfalls. Its length is about three kilometers. On the way to the falls from Brazil, white clouds rose from the green forest before long. Clouds about 30 meters high look very beautiful on the green forest. The strong sound of the waterfall can be heard even from a distance. Clouds of water droplets form from Iguazu Falls, amazingly beautiful. Coming from the direction of Brazil, thousands of herds of white bucks seem to fly up and down on the edge of the forest. When he came closer, he caught the mistake of the eye. In fact, it is not a flock of winged birds, but the flow of the river blocking the rocks and mixing with the water of the waterfall has created this white magical world. The Iguazu River has come down in different stages in different forms. The most amazing thing is that the water of 275 springs of these different steps have come together again to create a huge stream. Fell into a narrow ditch about a hundred meters below. This narrow shaft is the main spring. Its name is 'Iguazu', in the language of tourists, 'Gorge du Diabol', meaning 'mouth of the giant', the water flowing into the mouth of the giant is forty meters deep and about a hundred meters long. Another form of this same waterfall can be seen from Argentina. The form of this is more terrifying, exciting. It would seem that the river flowed down the stairs step by step. The height of any step is 30 meters and the highest step is 60 meters. Different names of different waterfalls - one is called 'Two Sisters', another is called 'Three Warriors', the distance from Rio in Brazil to Iguazu is 1,500 km. It takes 24 hours by bus. The distance from Sao Paulo is one thousand 100 kilometers. It takes 17 hours by bus. Can be reached by plane from Sao Paulo. It takes half an hour.

Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Rowling has already put down the pen saying that she will not write anything new about Harry. The last hope for us muggles was to say, a two-part movie based on the story of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. The last of the pair of movies is also scheduled to release in 2011. then Hari poterMuggles were squirming at the thought of the lack of materials to suffer from Pottermania. Harry Potter theme park appeared in the event by pouring water on their worries. The theme park, nicknamed 'Wizarding World of Harry Potter' in Orlando, Florida, USA, opened its doors to all Harry-fans at the end of June. In this theme park spread over 20 acres of land, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, Hogsmeade Village - everything is arranged just like the story of the books. Rides like 'Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey', 'Dragon Challenge' can be squeezed into the interior of Hogwarts Castle. Dumbledore's office or Gryffindor's common room can also be peeked through these rides. You can also face the terrible creatures of the magical world, which Harry himself had to face. Ride the 'Flight of the Hippogriff' ride to ride the horse-bodied and eagle-faced hippogriff. Thousands of memorabilia from the world of Potter can be found in various shops here. Don't worry if you get tired of walking around. For dining, there are restaurants like the 'Three Broomsticks', where Harry and his entourage's favorite dishes are available. Park officials said Rowling was passionate about bringing her story world to life. They did not give up until he was satisfied. It took five years to build this park. Naturally, Bagha Bagha Potter lovers are getting excited after seeing the variety here. Harry's Daniel Radcliffe is no exception. He was also surprised when he came here on the opening day. He also saw the set work during the making of the movie. But Daniel is also happy to think that Harry's world has become real and within the grasp of all fans. However, Harry's fans in London are a little disappointed. According to them, Harry's entire world is built against the backdrop of England. So only the queen city can claim to build such a park. But others are reluctant to bother with this. They are busy enjoying the world's first Potter theme park.

In the land of ice

Traveling to Antarctica is a rare experience. From Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost point of the world, you can board a ship to Antarctica. The South Pole will be seen on the way to Antarctica. No matter how far south the ship goes, one cannot help but be impressed by nature. Only water and water will be seen. After crossing the Beagle Channel, one has to enter the Drake Passage, infamous for its famous and terrible storms and squalls. A fixed time is given - 3 or 4 or 4:30 in the afternoon when the ship first anchors at HO Island or Shetland. But it turned out that in the end there was no anchorage that day because of the strong wind. Perhaps the next morning the ship first stopped at Half Moon Island. From there, you have to ride a small rubber boat from one to one and a half hours and come back to the ship. The ship will start moving again. In the afternoon, you may reach another island. Now this island is 'Deception Island', after sailing overnight the ship will arrive at Neko Harbor Island the next morning. Ships arriving at Paradise Bay Island in the afternoon may or may not be crowded. It turned out that due to strong winds and terrible icebergs, the plan to put the ship in Paradise Bay was cancelled. On both sides of the ship, in front, as far as the naked eye and camera lens can see, everything in front is covered with mountains. No mountains or snow can be seen in front. So how the ship will move along the way is also a problem. Maybe it's finally okay, no longer an anchor, but a narrower lamier, avoiding the impact of the iceberg.
The ship will exit through the channel. After proceeding very slowly in this way, it may be announced again - the plan to exit through the Lamiere Channel is also canceled due to strong winds and icebergs. Maybe it's better not to go further and try to reach Danko Island by going the other way all night. Meanwhile, it is ten o'clock at night - the sun is setting there. There is still daylight in the sky, the sea, the mountains, the huge icebergs. The ship will rock. because,
Wind, waves, ice are all in Antarctica. There are islands like Mikkelsen, HO Island, King George Island, Research Base etc. Because of the terrible winds, as well as snow and rain, it is often impossible to anchor a ship on any of the Antarctic islands, even by rubber boat. So you have to see the view of the island sitting on the ship. There is so much snow that it is almost impossible to take pictures with a camera.

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