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Domestic robots are ready to put out the fire

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh is a disaster prone country, no one is sure when and where a fire will occur. Apart from this, even if there is a fire in our country, the fire service faces many problems in reaching the affected areas. Now the country's scientists have created a robot capable of extinguishing fire.


Three students of Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) have developed a fire-fighting robot using a completely indigenous process. This robot is able to reduce the intensity of the fire by a lot in a very short time. This robot has a special type of carbon dioxide spay. As a result, this robot is capable of extinguishing Class B fires.

The inventors say that this robot will be controlled remotely, so there is no risk of human life to put out the fire through it. The robot will be able to quickly put out the fire from the very work of fire.


The robot was built under the supervision of Md. Roknuzzaman, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Saurabh Sarkar, fourth year of Mechanical Engineering, Mustafa Muhibullah Shobhan and Md. Sharif Ahmed, fourth year of Electrical Engineering.

The inventors also said that we are going to install more advanced devices to make the robot modern, it will use a special type of CC camera, special arms and special wheels to climb the stairs.

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