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Tomatoes help prevent heart disease

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know about the health benefits of tomatoes but few people know that tomatoes can alleviate heart diseases. A recent study has shown that certain components of tomatoes keep blood vessels active in cardiovascular disease.


Lycopene is said to be ten times more antioxidant than vitamin E which is more effective for human heart health. Joseph Cherian, an associate lecturer at the University of Cambridge, is the lead researcher of the study. While highlighting the various aspects of this research, he said, this tomato is an accessory of the daily food of the Mediterranean region. We found that the prevalence of heart disease in people from the Mediterranean region was lower than that in other regions of Europe. Then it was seen that one of the ingredients of their daily food is tomato. This is the beginning of our research on tomatoes. The Mediterranean diet is very helpful in reducing cardiovascular risk. Because it contains lycopene which is almost ten times more effective than vitamin E. Tomatoes contain more lycopene than other fruits. Also, olive oil is added when tomatoes are made into ketchup. Which increases its immunity level.


To understand this efficacy of lycopene, researchers conducted a randomized experiment. For this experiment, they selected 36 healthy volunteers and 36 cardiovascular patients who took eteronon pills to treat heart disease. This pill carries about seven milligrams of lycopene. The researchers found that a seven-mg lycopene pill improved the patients' physical condition but had no effect on the healthy body, which would protect them from future heart disease. The lycopene pill can restore patients' blood vessels from their pre-existing condition. But those who regularly eat tomatoes as a side dish have better blood vessels.

Researchers found that tomato lycopene taken with a daily meal or pill was about 53 percent more effective than a tomato lycopene pill. It keeps the amount of lipids in the inner structure of blood vessels to a certain level. So researchers suggest that you can choose tomato peel for cardiovascular treatment.

Reference: Times of India

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