The Dhaka Times
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95.4 percent failure rate: Jabir's 'C' unit admission test results disaster

The Dhaka Times Desk Ever since the HSC exam, students and their parents have no end of worries. The number of seats in the universities is already very less. However, this time the results of the entrance examination have been disastrous. Jagannath University has a pass rate of 95.4 percent in 'C' unit admission test.

Jagannath University

Jagannath University's 2014-15 academic year admission test of Business Education Faculty 'C' unit admission test was held on Friday, September 5. The exam results have been published. But the results showed that a total of 45 thousand 532 candidates participated in the admission test in C unit. But only 2 thousand 89 candidates passed. The pass rate is 4.58 percent. 95.4 percent failed. This information was informed to the journalists through a press release of the university. Detailed results will be available on the university notice board and university website.

According to an information, 2 thousand 89 candidates were initially selected in the examination against a total of 620 seats in 'C' unit. Among them, 1 thousand 884 people were selected from business education department and 205 people were selected from other departments. Out of the selected candidates, 540 students from business education branch and 80 students from other branches are allotted department based on merit. References:

The Dhaka Times also published news about Dhaka University exam results: "80 percent of students fail to get pass mark in Dhaka University admission test - Education Minister says quality of education has increased (Video)"

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