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Scottish 'no' vote: Scotland in England!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone wants freedom. But this time a little exceptional event was seen in Scotland. A 'yes' or 'no' vote was organized to determine whether they would remain with England or become a separate state. But the Scots voted 'no' and agreed to stay in England.

Scotland - England

There is no shortage of countries around the world desperate for independence. India's Kashmir issue has been going on for ages. Kashmiris have been demanding an independent state. For this reason, India has long been at loggerheads with Pakistan. Similarly, many other states are fighting for independence for a long time. The Palestine War of Independence is not unknown to anyone. We also know how they gained independence under the leadership of Yasser Arafat. But this time a little exceptional event was seen. None of the Scots were in favor of independence. But he did not have to go to war. An opposing force has always demanded independence. And so England arranged a plebiscite without making it a riotous issue. The vote will determine whether the Scots remain with England or become independent. But polls showed a majority of Scots voted 'No'. That is, they want to stay with England.

Scotland - England-2
Border point of Scotland and England

Analysts say the main reason for this is that Scotland does not have much wealth. The country is based on England alone. If it becomes independent in such a situation, it will face an extreme disaster as a new state. And so the conscious citizens of that country do not want to separate from England.


After the election, the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, officially announced the results. And it appears most Scots voted 'No'. Mr Sammond called on the people of Scotland to accept the result.

It should be noted that 55 percent of the people voted against independence in this referendum held on Thursday. And 45 percent of people voted for independence.

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