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Jamaat has gained a foothold in West Bengal under the protection of Trinamool!

The Dhaka Times Desk The Anand Bazar newspaper commented that the Trinamool has a good relationship with the Jamaat, and the Jamaat has gained a foothold in West Bengal under the auspices of the Trinamool.

Jamaat & grassroots bases

Kolkata's influential daily Anandabazar newspaper said today, 'New Delhi has asked Bangladesh for detailed information about where Jamaat terrorists are hiding under the shelter of a section of the ruling party in West Bengal.'

Anandabazar newspaper also reported that Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali sat in a meeting with National Security Advisor Ajit Doval at Rashtrapati Bhavan on his first visit to New Delhi as Bangladesh's Foreign Minister.

Citing diplomatic sources, Anandabazar newspaper says, 'Apart from various issues of security, the issue of Trinamool-Jamaat communication was also raised by the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh with great importance. He said, "The current government of Sheikh Hasina is conducting an all-out campaign to suppress fundamentalist criminals in Bangladesh. But in the last two-and-a-half years, these miscreants have escaped and entered West Bengal. They are sheltered in India under the protection of some of the leaders of the ruling party of the state. The matter is of concern for the security of both countries. On behalf of Bangladesh, it is said that Jamaat-e-Islami of Bangladesh is in contact with a Trinamool Rajya Sabha member. The news has also come out that billions of rupees have reached the hands of Jamaat across the border under his management.

National Security Adviser Doval assured the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh and said that New Delhi will never compromise on security. The Indian government must take appropriate measures if Bangladesh hands over the information they have about where the miscreants of the Jamaat have taken shelter in West Bengal, who are their supporters.

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