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French airstrikes on IS bases in Iraq

The Dhaka Times Desk France's airstrikes have begun on IS bases in Iraq. This was France's first air raid. French President Francois Hollande has acknowledged airstrikes targeting IS bases in Iraq.

French air Attack in Iraq

This is the first time France has carried out airstrikes against the Islamic State (IS) after the US airstrikes. French President Francois Hollande acknowledged the airstrikes targeting IS in Iraq.

France said in a statement that French aircraft had struck an IS base in northeastern Iraq. France has announced that this attack will be increased in the future. After the beheading of the American journalist, the United States started attacking IS bases in Iraq from last August. The US has carried out at least 150 airstrikes so far.

It should be noted that US allies also promised to attack. IS has captured several bases in Iraq and Syria. IS sends video of beheading first US journalist and then British volunteer.

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