The Dhaka Times
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Bomb attack on Jatiya Party procession in Rangpur: 25 injured

The Dhaka Times Desk A bomb attack took place at the rally of the Jatiya Party in Rangpur on Saturday. At least 25 people were injured in this incident. The media reported that the bombing occurred as a result of a dispute between two factions of the Jatiya Party.

JAPA rally bomb blast

It is known that according to the pre-arranged program, the assembly of the newly formed district and the metropolis of Jappa was held at the Rangpur Public Library ground this Saturday morning. Supporters of State Minister Moshiur Rahman Ranga also called a meeting at the same place. That is why the local administration issued section 144 last Friday night.

Due to these reasons, tension was prevailing between the two sides of Jatiya Party since yesterday. Meanwhile, when the newly formed District and Metropolitan Committee, known as Ershad Panthi, took out a protest march, it was bombed. In the afternoon, several bomb attacks took place in Shapla square of the city with loud noise. At that time, the area became a battlefield. At least 25 people including journalists were injured. At this time, the angry activists attacked and vandalized several shops in Shapla Chattar.

After this incident, the leaders of the newly formed District and Metropolitan Committee blamed the supporters of Ranga, State Minister for Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives Moshiur Rahman. As of this writing, the police have kept the situation under control.

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