The Dhaka Times
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Today, the judgment of Ramna Botmul bomb attack case was announced

The Dhaka Times Desk The verdict in the Ramna bombing case will be announced today. 10 people were killed when a bomb attack was carried out at Chayanot's annual celebration at Ramna Botamule in the capital.

Ramna batamule bombing

The date of judgment was fixed on June 16, but later it was delayed a week and the second additional metropolitan session judge of Dhaka set a new date on June 23. Ruhul Amin. Accordingly, the judgment of this case will be announced on Monday.

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The trial of the sensational murder case will end after 13 long years with the announcement of the much-discussed verdict. On May 28, the arguments of both sides in the case were completed. On that day, the court fixed the day for the verdict. On the last day of arguments, 9 defendants including Mufti Hannan, the accused Harkatul Jihad (Huji) were present in the court.

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It is to be noted that on April 14, 2001 (1 Baisakh) at 8:30 a.m. in Ramna New Year ceremony, 9 people were killed on the spot and 10 people were killed later while being treated in the hospital. Many others were injured in this incident.

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