Take a look inside the iPhone 6 Plus

The Dhaka Times Desk The iPhone 6 Plus and 6 have just been released, and like every other day, iFixit has opened up the new iPhone in its intake condition and released pictures for the general public. Today we will show you the inside picture of iPhone 6 Plus.

Every time iFixit comes to the market, iFixit opens the iPhone and gives detailed ideas about how and where the parts are placed inside it. This time also they have done a lot of postmortem of the new iPhone 6 Plus and released the pictures for the general public.

The iPhone 6 Plus has the largest display of any iPhone so far. Many call it phablet, many call it giant screen. How is the inside of this device? iFixit has the answer, let's take a look.

According to iFixit, the iPhone 6 Plus has a huge 2915mAh battery inside, which is attached to the device. However, the size of the battery of this Bisal set is the same as that of the previous iPhone and the same as the surface of the Samsung Galaxy S5.

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It can be seen in the picture that this new version of the iPhone does not have any additional parts except the battery and small chip, so the outside is also very tidy. Talk about the iPhone!

Meanwhile, iFixit says that this new version of the iPhone uses a special process to attach the casing instead of the usual screws that can't be opened by anyone without common sense. iFixit themselves have not published this method. As a result, it remained a secret.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২১, ২০১৪ 12:11 pm


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