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Kill switch added to iPhone to prevent theft

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple has added a kill switch to prevent theft of the phone with its new version of iPhone, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Also, by adding it to iOS 8, this feature can be used in some older versions through updates.


Kill switch is a process by which an iPhone user can disable his phone and delete all the data in it if his iPhone is lost or stolen. According to Reuters, the New York District Attorney believes this is a breakthrough step that will free users from insecurity. It will also protect users from life-threatening issues as the user knows that he now has a safety trigger.


Apple first added the kill switch option in September 2013. When they launched their iOS 7. But it was not as effective as its users had hoped. It is currently bundled by default with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus for consumers through a user-friendly settings system. With the iPhone's initiative, various legislative bodies are expressing views to add such a system to all smartphones. In the past few years, the personal and business secrets of users have been exposed through smartphones. Lawmakers expect such a safety switch to be integrated into all smartphones by 2015.

Reference: BusinessInsider

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