Categories: opinion

Know the different aspects of using eye contact lenses

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, many girls use contact lenses instead of glasses because of eye problems or for fashion. The popularity of contact lenses is increasing day by day as they are convenient to use. There are a few things to keep in mind when using these contact lenses. But let's take a look at the different aspects of using contact lenses.

1. Buy contact lenses according to skin color:

The beauty of the eyes increases with the use of contact lenses. But if you use contact lenses on eyes matching your skin color, your eyes will look unusual. So keep this aspect in mind while using contact lenses. If your skin tone is dark then brown will suit you. Greenish, bluish color is effective if light brown. Those with fair skin color can use orange or purple.

2. Decoration:

Cosmeticians believe that dressing up with contact lenses can make a difference in this case. They say, you can apply thick or thick kajal under the eyes. But in combination with the color of the dress, the personality is expressed in the decoration.

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3. Contact lens precautions:

Ophthalmologists say that some precautions should be taken while using contact lenses. Dust, wash or flower molecules can penetrate the contact lens. It causes eye allergy. So remove the contact lens from the eyes and clean the eyes well.

4. Contact lens care:

One contact lens should not be worn for more than four hours at a time. Contact lenses need to be stored in a special solution. And this solution also has a specific duration. So keep an eye on the expiration date of your contact lenses.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২, ২০১৭ 12:30 am

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