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Learn about the new features of iOS 8

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple has released iOS 8 in the market as soon as they release their new iPhone. In this way, those who could not buy iPhone 6 will get some taste of iPhone 6 through iOS update. But let's know about the features of Apple iOS.


1. Can quickly text:

As soon as the message arrives on your smartphone, you can go directly to the text message by clicking on the message. This way you don't have to close any running applications.


2. Simplification of contact list:

Just tap and hold the home button in the new iOS to bring up your recent windows. From there you will see the contact list circle at the top. From here you can select your desired contacts.


3. Share more photos:

You don't need to go to PhotoStream to send photos to share. In the message option of iOS, you will see the camera button, if you click on it, twenty recent photos will be shown at once. From there you can send your desired pictures easily.

4. Share video in message:

With the new feature of iOS, you can easily share videos in iMessage. Tap and hold the camera icon to see a radial. By turning that radial, the video option will appear.


5. Location Share:

Previously, Apple had to go to Google Maps to share location. But in the case of iOS 8, if you go to the iMessage option and tap send my current location, the Google map will be added to your message.

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