The Dhaka Times
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iPhone 6 Plus is bending in the user's pocket!

The Dhaka Times Desk Within a few days of the start of sales, various complaints are starting to come about the iPhone 6 Plus, in the meantime, some iPhone 6 Plus customers have posted pictures of the bent iPhone on their Twitter.


According to the news of The Telegraph, users posted pictures of bent iPhones on their Twitter IDs and said that iPhones bent under light pressure in our pockets. They are also making various jokes about it.

Meanwhile, experts say that there is a reason behind iPhone bending and that is that iPhone 6 Plus uses aluminum metal which is very flexible but light. Apple wants its first large-display phone users to use the Zeno as lighter. But it has been reversed, now this phone is bending under the pressure of the user's pocket.


Lewis Hilsenteger, an expert on the Unbox Therapy channel, took an iPhone 6 Plus and released a test video of it bending on YouTube, and he says the iPhone is definitely not made of iron. You can put it in any pocket but I must remember you are putting a device in your pocket not a brick!

Lewis Hilsenteger says the iPhone 6 Plus's weak point is the volume rocker button, which tends to bend when the iPhone is pressed. Lewis Hilsenteger shows a lot of pressure in the video showing the iPhone bending with too much force, but he says it's normal.


Meanwhile, experts say that if you put a huge device like the iPhone 6 Plus in your pocket, you must be careful not to put too much pressure on it.

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