Categories: opinion

How social media can help you

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays we are all familiar with social media. In the eyes of some, this medium is only a part of entertainment, while for others, it is one of the means of work. Social media is not only part of your entertainment but can also keep you ahead at work. But let's find out how social media keeps you ahead.

1. Concepts about brands and trends:

Some other social media including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can show you ideas about the latest brands and trends. By doing this, if you are a designer or owner of a fashion house, you will benefit greatly through social media. Moreover, it can be an effective tool in marketing your product.

2. Extent of contact:

If you are a job seeker then social media will be a wide medium for you through which you can establish a good communication with many people. Moreover, it can be an effective platform for businessmen where you can easily introduce your product to many people.

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3. World news:

How many magazines or newspapers do you read daily? Or if you're an online reader, the answer to the question of how many online magazines you visit each day would be few. But social media can be your ally in this regard. You can get the latest news from many newspapers around the world in your newsfeed.

Also social media is playing a very good role in many essential areas these days. Among them, many people take the help of social media when there is an urgent need for blood. Through this medium you can directly contact the blood donor.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৭ 11:04 pm

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