The Dhaka Times
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Attendance is less even when the office-court opens

The Dhaka Times Desk After the 5-day holiday including Eid, Durga Puja and weekend, the government office-court opened today but there was no presence at all. The office is very quiet.

presence of offices
File photo

October 3 was Friday and October 4 Saturday was a public weekend and Durga Puja holiday. Again from 5th to yesterday 7th October, 5 consecutive days were rushed. After this 5-day holiday, 8 Akborab government offices-courts are open today. But attendance is very low. Transactions in bancassurance are very less.

Almost all those who went outside the capital to celebrate Eid in their village will return on October 10 or 11. Accordingly, the private office court will be opened on October 11. On the other hand, government offices and courts will be fully operational from Sunday, October 12.

Yesterday and today the streets of the capital Dhaka were completely empty. There was no traffic jam anywhere. However, from October 12, the capital Dhaka will again become a city of traffic jams.

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