The Dhaka Times Desk After several successful films of Shakib and Shabnoor, the latest film will release after Eid. Shakib-Shabnoor's latest film 'Swapner Vaidesh' is yet to go to the censors. But it will be submitted to the censors soon, the production company said.
It is known that several films of Shakib and Shabnoor were successful. As the business was successful, there was a lot of interest among the producers. And that is why the initiative was taken to make the film 'Dream Abroad'. Preparations are being made for the release of their latest film 'Swapner Videsh'. Produced under the banner of Maharani Productions, the film 'Swapner Videsh' is directed by Nazrul Islam Khan.
The production company said, 'The editing of the film has been completed. After Eid, the film will be submitted to the censors. The film will be released on the big screen soon after the Qurbani Eid after getting the censor clearance. The audience can see Shakib-Shabnoor again on the big screen.
It is to be noted that several films like 'Amar Praner Swami', 'Swapner Basar', 'Balbo Katha Basar Garhe', '1 Takar Bou', 'Swami-Stri Wada' starring Shakib-Shabnoor pair were commercially successful. These films were able to bring a different dimension to Bengali cinema in this country.