The Dhaka Times
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That's why more good boys do not get girlfriends!

The Dhaka Times Desk Are you very nice or simple? Do you feel the lack of a partner in life but can't meet people of your heart? Yes, today we will try to see why a lover is not found even after being a good friend!


Being a good looking person has something special in your character which is why you don't get a girlfriend. Today we will try to see what they are distinguished. Let's take a look-

1) You don't have a tendency to fall on-


Why you any good-natured boy will never fall on a girl and molest her. As a result, girls will not come to you in advance, keep it. By doing this, the possibility of getting what your partner or lover says is reduced.

2) You understand deception less-


Love is a trick. You, as a common man, must understand these things less, so why would your girlfriend want to come to you without getting these things?

3) Nice guys are not very romantic-


It's a myth that girls think good guys are simple and less romantic. They have little understanding of the outside world.

4) You think more about career-


Good guys think more about their future and don't like to hang out, hang out, hang out, party, etc. Therefore, modern day lovers want their boyfriend to do these things with him.

5) You cannot lie-


The lover wants to be praised by her lover or if you tell the truth many times about various things, the lover may not take it easily, so remember if you are not a liar, you have very little chance of getting a lover.

6) You get serious in the beginning-

Photowali Murli Pre Wedding 1-186

This is typical of good guys, they are very emotional and get serious very easily. Now girls don't fall in love at the beginning by playing with boys before falling in love, in this case if you fall in love at the beginning then you will be wrong.

So, because of these above reasons you don't get a good girlfriend even if you are a good boy, but there can be exceptions. If you have a different opinion, you can share it in the comment box.

Image - Collected from Google.

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