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India's Shukla Roy became a mother at the age of 59

The Dhaka Times Desk India's Shukla Roy became a mother at the age of 59. At this age, the joy of having a newborn in her arms, the joy of the mother's eyes has spread.

59-year-old mother

Shukla Roy was devastated after the death of a child. Many asked her to adopt children. But Shukla Roy did not. He wanted another child of his own. But at this age is it possible? is possible This 59-year-old mother is floating in the happiness of giving birth. Shukla Roy's eyes and face are beaming with the joy of having a newborn in her arms.

The one who is supposed to be playing with the grandchild is now sitting with the child on his lap. The baby in the lap is blinking. And this old mother is looking at it with fascination.

She was admitted to Park Street Hospital in Kolkata before delivery. Swami Vikasbandhu Roy. He is 68 years old. He used to work in irrigation department, now he is retired. They live as a family in Durgapur. He is also very happy to have a child in his old age. Because, on June 25, 2013, their child Pallavi died after falling from a train at Talit station near Burdwan. The death of the only daughter brought this family to a standstill.

He left Durgapur and came to Kolkata. He was driven by the desire to raise children. He went to the doctor. Doctors said that pregnancy is possible. But he has to go through many storms. Shukladevi said, she is ready for anything. Finally, the embryo is implanted in the womb. Then Shukla Roy succeeded.

The doctor said, after collecting the egg of another woman, it was first fertilized with the sperm of Shukladevi's husband. It was then transplanted into the womb of Shukladevi in embryo form. This is how a child is born. Doctors are also very happy to deliver a healthy child to a childless couple.

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