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This time, the failure rate in Dhaka University's 'F' unit is 97%!

The Dhaka Times Desk The result that came out again today shows that the failure rate in Dhaka University's 'F' unit is 97%!

Dhaka University

Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid's press conference yesterday and the speech he gave on the recent admission results of Dhaka University have started to be criticized. After his speech, the VC of Dhaka University gave a strong argument. The education minister said that there are no more than two qualified people in English department in Bangladesh, it is not credible. After the minister's speech, there has been a lot of talk about this issue since yesterday. Today again the result of 'F' unit has surpassed all the previous results.

According to the result of admission test of 'F' unit under the Faculty of Fine Arts, 96.90 percent of the students who participated in the test failed. A total of 7 thousand 292 candidates took part in that exam and only 226 passed. There are 135 seats in this faculty. On Sunday evening, through a press conference at the central admission office of the administrative building, the university vice-chancellor Professor Dr. A.M.S. Arefin Siddique. This result can be known only by logging on the university website ( with higher secondary side roll, side year, board name and secondary examination roll number.

Candidates can also know their result through mobile phone SMS. Go to the message option of the phone from the SIM of any mobile operator<স্পেস>Cha<স্পেস> The admission test roll should be typed and sent to 16321. This result will be known through return SMS.

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