The Dhaka Times
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Sacrificial cow market begins in the capital: no buyers

The Dhaka Times Desk Sacrificial cow market has started in the capital. These cow markets were seen in various areas of the capital yesterday. But the number of buyers is very less.

Start selling cattle

Go to the cow market adjacent to Banani railway station in the capital and you can see rows of cows tied up. But there are no buyers at all. A seller said that he had brought cows here from Gazipur. But he is disappointed as there are no buyers.

It is expected that after another two days, the cow markets of the capital will be crowded. An official of the cow market leasing company said that today and tomorrow will be in the same situation. However, he expressed hope that the market will be crowded from Friday.

Those who buy sacrificial cows in the capital will mostly try to buy them the day before Eid. Because of the cow care and feeding and storage space it will not be possible to buy the cow too early. Cows will be sold more in the last two days.

This time the price of cattle is much higher than last time. However, those concerned think that the price may decrease if it is imported.

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