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Windows 10 is here

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft has now announced the launch of 'Windows 10'. Microsoft made this announcement on September 30 in San Francisco, USA. Everyone thought that Microsoft would announce Windows 9 at this event.


Currently, Microsoft is losing popularity day by day with all the modern operating systems and facilities of Google and Apple. Earlier, Microsoft tried Windows 8 but it did not go well. Surveys by various organizations have shown that a total of 20 percent of users are using Microsoft Windows 8.

At one time, Windows XP and 7 dominated the world, with 1.5 billion people using the Windows operating system. But now Windows has lost that position. Microsoft is struggling with Windows right now.

The newly announced Windows 10 operating system is built with user trust in mind. This operating system is very light and it can be used on mobile, tablet, laptop, computer, xbox simultaneously. Various tech analysts say that Microsoft can provide an opportunity to upgrade Windows for free on mobile phones.

Analysts, meanwhile, said it could hit the market by next year. Microsoft said that the preview version of Windows 10 is available on Microsoft's website from Wednesday.

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