The Dhaka Times
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Chance of light rain on Eid day

The Dhaka Times Desk Eid ul Adha on Monday, October 6. Everyone is very worried about the rain on this day as it is the Eid of Sacrifice. Meanwhile, the Meteorological Office has said that there is a possibility of light rain on the day of Eid.


According to the Meteorological Office, there is a possibility of light rain in different parts of Bangladesh on the day of Qurbani Eid on Monday, October 6.

The Meteorological Department says that there is a possibility of light rain on the day of Eid due to the active monsoon during the end of the monsoon season. But most of the day will be sunny.

On Friday, there was heavy rain in Ishwardi and light rain in several places including Khulna, Sitakunda, Madaripur, Tangail. On the other hand, since it is the Eid of Qurbani, there will be a lot of trouble if it rains during the sacrifice of the animal after the morning prayers on the day of Eid. If it rains in the morning on the day of Eid, there will be a lot of problems in offering prayers and sacrifices. Again, if it rains in the afternoon, the various wastes of the sacrifice will be washed away.

Monsoon is now less active over Bangladesh, Met Office said. On the other hand, North Bay of Bengal is in weak condition. By the second week of this month, southwest monsoon i.e. Monsoon is likely to leave Bangladesh.

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