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What you need to know before going for love marriage

The Dhaka Times Desk Love before marriage or after marriage? To find the correct answer to such words, one person explains it one by one. Many people think that if you marry for love, understanding and marriage relationship are much better. Many people think that marrying a stranger is helpful for maintaining a good relationship in the family after marriage. In fact, if you are getting married to a known person i.e. your boyfriend or girlfriend, then you must remember some things and we will discuss about those things today.


1) Lover-lover before marriage and husband-wife are not one character-

You must always remember that today your boyfriend or girlfriend will be your husband or wife after marriage. No matter what you expect from your lover or lover, you will not get exactly that in the world as a husband or wife.

2) That pre-marriage attraction will not exist-

In most cases, the attraction between two people before marriage does not work after marriage, so many people compare the love relationship with the one before marriage and think that everything has become lighter between them. Actually it is not. Husband wife relationship is different in this case both attraction and roles are different. You need to understand this if you want to transform your love relationship into marriage.

3) Lover's parents and parents-in-law are other things-

Before marriage you always gave special importance to your girlfriend or friend but after marriage you will play a completely different role. Apart from your wife or husband, you have to give importance to in-laws as well. This is where many get confused.

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4) Hits can be reversed-

Today's love can turn into tomorrow's resentment. Today you may like your girlfriend or friend but tomorrow your husband or wife may not like him or her, so whatever you do, think carefully.

5) There will be changes-

The relationship before marriage and the relationship after marriage will not be the same, it will change a lot, so be prepared, it will change. And if you can keep it in mind, I will keep talking to the partner about the relationship after marriage. Remember that if everything is right between you, then there will be no problem to enjoy the relationship no matter what.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৭ 11:06 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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