The Dhaka Times
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Can browse the web without internet!

The Dhaka Times Desk Are you surprised to hear the title? Yes websites can be browsed without internet connection. But in this case you can enjoy this benefit in a slightly different process.


A web browser named cosmos will give users the facility of web browsing without internet. In this case, if a user is out of internet coverage and has no chance to take net by himself but he needs to visit a particular website at the moment, then cosmos browser will provide this facility without internet connection.


In this case, cosmos browser will send you complete site information via SMS as per your instructions according to your desired web site address. In this case you will not need any separate internet connection. But what is required is to activate the unlimited SMS service set. Because cosmos uses your messaging service to provide you with various information on the site you want, it uses messaging.

While cosmos isn't usually needed by you, it's a handy companion when you're out of internet coverage but need information from a site.

To know more about cosmos browser visit GitHub

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