The Dhaka Times
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All police numbers can be found in one app

The Dhaka Times Desk The policeman working as a police computer operator. Nasir Uddin has created an app with his personal efforts where the phone numbers of all the police officers of the country can be found.


A policeman has made such an app where everyone can get the phone number of the relevant police officer in their own area or where the incident takes place in one click to get immediate police help in case of various anarchy in the country. This smartphone app has the phone numbers of all police officers in the country.

Md. Nasir Uddin told the media, 'I have created this app to benefit the common people. The more people benefit from this app, the better. It's a completely free app.'

It should be noted that in this app called 'Bangladesh Police Phonebook' you can find Police Head Office, various Range Police, all Metropolitan Police across the country, Industrial Police, Highway Police, Railway Police (GRP), Special Branch of Police (SB), Criminal Investigation Department (CID). , Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI), River Police, Tourist Police, Armed Police Battalion (APBN), Police Telecom and Information Media, Police Training Center (PTC), Rajarbagh Police Hospital, RAB will get all the important and necessary numbers.

App Download Link-

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