The Dhaka Times
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A cyclone is approaching

The Dhaka Times Desk Cyclone forecast again. This time the cyclone is approaching. The storm formed over South Andaman and Bay of Bengal is likely to make landfall on Friday.


Sources of the Meteorological Department told the media that the approaching terrible cyclone Hudhud had a speed of 85 to 90 kilometers per hour in the South Andaman and Bay of Bengal on Wednesday afternoon. The cyclone is expected to hit the coast tomorrow Friday at a speed of 110 to 145 kmph. Heavy rainfall is also possible with this cyclone.

According to meteorologists, the current track seems to be moving towards the southern region of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha in India. However, it is not impossible to change its course and hit the coast of Bangladesh at any time. Already, all the sea ports of the country including Chittagong have been asked to show remote warning signal number 2. This Hudhud storm is currently located in the Southeast Bay of Bengal and adjoining North Andaman Sea area.

Although the warning has been issued, according to meteorologists, there is no danger of any major disaster in Kolkata at the moment. However, there may be heavy rain due to cyclone. Meteorologists believe that the Hudhud cyclone will weaken by next Monday.

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