The Dhaka Times
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See nature's color changing game in the picture

The Dhaka Times Desk The environment around us changes its color from season to season like Photoshop. Maybe it escapes your eyes because you don't notice it well or you don't notice that this change of season doesn't affect city life much. Here are some pictures that beautifully depict the change in environment with the change of seasons.


You will notice this change in environment more among green plants. In each season the color of the leaves of the tree changes as well as the flowers of the tree. It is a unique combination that will captivate you.


It is like a natural photoshop that is creating different colors of light at different times with nature's brush or blurring the scene. Don't even think about our country, the smell and color of seasonal fruits around summer.


The fragrance of kadam fruit in the shadowy dark environment in monsoon, the raft of white clouds and flowers in the sky in autumn, the yellow play of ripe paddy in Hemante, the pale scene covered in the mist of winter morning and the light spectrum of various flowers around spring. Isn't that wonderful?


So are these pictures. These are not from our country but the environment that changes with the change of season can be understood from these pictures. You might think that these are done in Photoshop but if you look closely you will realize that they are done in natural Photoshop. See more in the gallery-

Reference: Borpanda

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