The Dhaka Times Desk Most of the social complications in our society are related to spousal maintenance. Family law of all religions has seen the highest number of cases to resolve these maintenance issues. Today we will try to know in what cases a wife is entitled to maintenance from her husband and when she loses her right to maintenance.
Although no law has determined the amount of maintenance that a wife will get per husband, the law says that a wife will get maintenance depending on the social position of the husband and wife, i.e. their economic and social respect. In this case, a wife can claim maintenance from a husband to the extent of her husband's or her social status.
If a husband is financially weak and his wife is demanding fair maintenance from the court. In that case, the court will review the social status and financial status of the husband and wife in determining maintenance.
Also in several cases a wife can lose her right to maintenance from her husband, i.e. if a wife does not fulfill her religious duties and obligations towards her husband, she immediately loses her claim to maintenance from her husband.
If the wife is an adulterer, the husband is not bound to provide maintenance to that wife.
A widow will not receive maintenance during the Iddat in his absence on the death of a husband.
In many cases the husband is required to provide maintenance even if the wife is not with the husband, such as if a wife is pregnant and in that case the husband must provide maintenance until the child is delivered. If the husband is habitually of bad character, if the husband remarries without divorcing the wife, if the husband is distant from the wife, he has to pay maintenance to the wife.
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A wife's religious and legal right to maintenance during her husband's lifetime. If the husband does not grant this right, it will be considered a civil and criminal offence. If a wife does not get her maintenance, she can file a case under the Family Court Ordinance, 1985 and the court will recover the maintenance from her at the prescribed rate.
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২, ২০১৭ 12:44 am
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