The Dhaka Times Desk The new movie 'Love in Korea' of the quiet and accomplished duo is going to the censors soon. The production company said that the release date will be fixed after getting the clearance.
Producer Wakil Ahmed's new movie 'Love in Korea' is going to censor soon. It will be known about the release after getting the censor clearance. After the films 'Aatmadan', 'Tumi Ashbe Bale', 'Barloker Dasdin Garib Ekdan', the quiet and accomplished pair has been paired in the movie 'Love in Korea' directed by Wakil Ahmed. The film was planned to be made almost three years ago, but due to various reasons, it took quite some time to complete the visualisation. The film will soon go to the censors.
Wakil Ahmed, the producer of the movie said, 'We have finished shooting. The shooting of this film has been delayed due to various reasons. I hope I can submit Khanek's film to the censors soon.'
According to the maker, the film has been shot in different places in Korea and Bangladesh. Its story is also good. In addition to Nirban, several other powerful actors have acted in this film.