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Cyclone Hudhud killed 2 in Andhra Pradesh, India

The Dhaka Times Desk Cyclone Hudhud hit Andhra Pradesh, India at 11:00 today Sunday. According to the latest news, 2 people have been killed.

Cyclone Hudhud kills 2

According to the media, 2 people have been killed in Andhra Pradesh due to Cyclone Hudhud. Cyclone Hudhud killed 2 people in Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam districts of Andhra Pradesh. The Press Trust of India reported this news citing the state government.

Cyclone Hudhud hit Andhra Pradesh at a speed of 200 km per hour at around 11 am local time on Sunday. Due to the impact of this cyclone, there is heavy rain in various parts including Visakhapatnam. Many mud houses were destroyed in the cyclone. Many low-lying areas were flooded. Trees were uprooted at various places. Power supply has been cut off in many places due to uprooted power poles. However, the exact calculation of the damage is not yet available, according to media reports.

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