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Cyclone Hudhud has weakened after making landfall

The Dhaka Times Desk Cyclone Hudhud has weakened after hitting Andhra Pradesh and Odisha in India. At least 6 people have died due to this cyclone Hudhud.

Hudhud tornado weak

Super Cyclone Hudhud has weakened gradually after hitting Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, India with a speed of 205 km per hour.
At around 12:00 local time on Sunday, Hudhud wreaked havoc in Kailasgiri area of Visakhapatnam. Hudhud gradually moved towards the north with an area of 30 km wide. The India Meteorological Department said the cyclone may gradually weaken in the next 6 hours.

Hudhud tornado weak-4

Hudhud tornado weak-2

Many shops in the area have been destroyed by strong winds, rains and floods. The communication system has been completely blocked due to fallen trees on the road. Due to uprooted electricity poles, many areas were left in darkness. According to media reports, 3 people have been killed in Andhra Pradesh and 3 people in Odisha due to this cyclone Hudhud.
Hudhud tornado weak-3

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