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Although the age of 113 did not leave Facebook Anna Stoy of the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk What is the age of 113? She is still like young women addicted to Facebook. Yes, she is none other than an American woman, her name is Anna Stoy.


At the age of 113, this American woman named Anna has set a record as a Facebook user. Anna Stoyer, a resident of the state of Minnesota in the United States, is going to celebrate her 114th birthday on October 15, the media reported.

Anna, the oldest person from Minnesota in the US, is also believed to be the 'potential oldest' Facebook user.

According to the media, Anna, who was born at the beginning of the 20th century, had to be very quick to open an account on Facebook. Anna was unable to enter her real date of birth in the date of birth field while opening her Facebook account. This is because Anna was born in 1900. Meanwhile, Facebook's latest options were up to 1905. And so he is in trouble. Later Anna was forced to account showing 15 years less. He expressed his gratitude to a salesperson for helping him in this work. This is because the worker taught him how to use e-mail and Google. Currently Anna is also using iPad. Facebook has already given him the title of 'oldest teenager'.

And a day later Anna's 114th birthday. May he live longer, we wish this with the people of the world.

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