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The words of the UN official: Facebook has become a 'monster'!

Criticism of Facebook's role in spreading Rohingya hatred in Myanmar

The Dhaka Times Desk A UN official said, Facebook has become a 'monster'! He made this statement criticizing the role of Facebook in spreading Rohingya hatred in Myanmar.

জাতিসংঘ কর্মকর্তার উক্তি: ‘দানবে’ পরিণত হয়েছে ফেসবুক! 1

Criticizing Facebook's role in spreading Rohingya hatred in Myanmar, United Nations investigation officer Yanghee Lee said Facebook has become a 'monster'. He cites these networks as the driving force behind hostilities and conflicts.

He also said that the UN investigation officials on the Rohingya violence in Myanmar said that Facebook has a huge role in the civilian and personal level of the people of Myanmar. According to UN officials, this Facebook is playing a role in spreading 'hate speech'.

Itipur Facebook said that they are working to remove sensitive and hateful news on the Myanmar issue. However, Facebook did not say anything for or against the UN's comments.

Marzuki Darusman, chairman of the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission in Myanmar, said that these social media have played a special role in Myanmar. Considering the situation in Myanmar, social media means Facebook and Facebook means social media.

Yanghee Lee also said that Facebook is part of Myanmar people's lives. The government is spreading information among the people through Facebook. Everything happens through Facebook in Myanmar.

According to the report of the Guardian, in August last year, a military attack was carried out in Myanmar's Rakhine state in the name of security checks. Among them, 650,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh. Many are reported to have been harassed and brutally murdered by Myanmar security forces.

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