The Dhaka Times
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JMB terror again: Threat to blow up the court in Chittagong

The Dhaka Times Desk Although JMB has been inactive for quite some time, now they are threatening various government offices publicly or by phone or by letter. This time, the banned Islamic militant organization Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh has threatened to bomb Aladat in Chittagong.


On Tuesday morning at 9.19 am, Chittagong Court Assistant Public Prosecutor Advocate Manas Kumar was threatened through a phone call saying that at any moment Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) will detonate a bomb girl in the court. After this incident, the situation in Chittagong court came to a standstill. There is immediate panic.

When the local administration was informed about the incident, 100 additional policemen were immediately deployed for security. Police check posts have been installed at all the entrance gates to the court. Chittagong Metropolitan Police Additional Deputy Commissioner (South) Morshedul Islam said that after getting the news, all kinds of security arrangements have been made by the police. Police are always ready to deal with any untoward incident. Also, special police checkposts have been set up at different places in the city, and the Assistant Public Prosecutor is also being probed from where the calls were made.

It should be noted that JMB has been inactive in Bangladesh for a long time, but recently when Bangladeshi citizens and JMB members were killed while making bombs in India, the issue raised concerns about the national security of the two countries.

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