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What will happen tomorrow with the body of Piyas Karim in Shaheed Minar?

The Dhaka Times Desk Permission to keep Pius Karim's body in Shaheed Minar has not yet been received. The university is not allowing Pius Karim's body to be kept, citing security concerns as protest has been called. But both sides are desperate. What will actually happen tomorrow?

Piash Karim & Shaheed Minar

On behalf of Piyas Karim's family, his wife Professor Amena Mohsin of Dhaka University has applied for permission to take the body of Professor Piyas Karim to the Central Shaheed Minar, but the university authorities have not given permission to take the body till now. However, there is a fear of conflict between the two sides over the matter of keeping the body or not. What will actually happen tomorrow? This question has arisen.

University proctor AM Amjad told the media that Pius Karim's body will not be allowed to be kept in Shaheed Minar. In this regard, the authorities cannot accept the application made by Piyas Karim's family for good reasons. He said that as some organizations have announced against the program, due to security reasons, no program to pay tribute is allowed there.

Police have surrounded the area of Shaheed Minar since yesterday in the context of the tense situation caused by taking the body of Piyas Karim to Shaheed Minar. On the other hand, representatives of civil society have announced to take Pius Karim's body to Shaheed Minar at any cost.

Meanwhile, Chhatra Sangam Parishad has again strongly announced that the body of Professor Piyas Karim will not be allowed to be kept in the Central Shaheed Minar. This announcement was made by the council through a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Note that political analyst, BRAC University professor. Pius Karim will be laid to rest at Banani Cemetery on Friday. Journalist Mahfuz Ulrah made this announcement on behalf of the civil society in a press conference at Jatiya Presskab last Tuesday evening. It was said in the press conference that Pius Karim's funeral will be held at National Mosque Baitul Mukarram after Friday prayers. He will then be buried at Banani Cemetery. Earlier, the coffin will be placed at the Central Shaheed Minar at 10 am for public homage to Pius Karim.

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