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Iran will carry out operations against terrorists in Pakistan!

The Dhaka Times Desk Iran has announced an operation against terrorists in Pakistan. Iran has threatened this operation if Islamabad does not take measures to stop terrorism on Pakistan's border.

Iran against terrorists Pakistan

Iran has warned that if Islamabad does not take any measures to stop terrorism on the Pakistan-Iran border, then if necessary, operations against terrorists inside Pakistan will be carried out. The second-in-command of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Brigadier Hossein Salami, issued this warning last Friday.

Referring to Pakistan, Hossein Salami said at the event in Tehran, "We believe that every country should protect its own internal security and also keep track of whether its territory is being used for terrorist attacks in neighboring countries," according to media reports. . We think that if we don't want to create a disturbance in the security of the neighboring countries, we should resist the active terrorists in our borders. It is not our business to interfere in the internal affairs of any neighboring state. But if they (referring to the Pakistani government) fail to take action, then we will be forced to launch an operation (inside Pakistan).'

Salami also said in that event, 'Wherever the terrorists are, we will find them. If they do not want to give up terrorism, we will take steps to destroy them beyond all considerations.'

It should be noted that last week, 4 Iranian police officers were killed in two separate terrorist attacks in Sistan-Baluchistan province in southeastern Iran, bordering Pakistan-Iran. On October 25, 2013, the same terrorist group brutally killed 14 Iranian border guards.

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