The Dhaka Times
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How to clean your kitchen sink or basin

The Dhaka Times Desk Kitchen is the life of a home, but this kitchen gets dirty the fastest and breeds bacteria that can easily make your family members sick, especially in the sink, bacteria breed quickly, so here are tips on how to clean your kitchen sink or basin. :


  • First, pick up any dirt in the sink and put it in the trash, mix the soap powder with hot water and pour it around the sink.
  • Scrub the sink faucet and drain with soapy water on an old toothbrush.
  • To clean the sink, cut a lemon and put the lemon juice in a bowl. Use the lemon peel as a majouni.
  • You can use soda powder to clean the sink, sprinkle the soda in the sink for 5-6 minutes and clean it with Majuni.
  • Clogged sink drains are a very common problem, use a net over the sink drain and clean up quickly.
  • Pour boiling hot water down the sink drain, mix equal amount of water with vinegar or lemon juice to make ice, put the ice cubes in the mouth of the sink drain, the drain will be clean,
  • Finally, wipe the entire sink thoroughly with a dry cloth and wipe the sink again with a vinegar-soaked cloth to remove hard water stains, and the sink will be squeaky clean.
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