The Dhaka Times
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Invisible umbrella will stop the rain!

The Dhaka Times Desk With the advancement of technology comes the invisible umbrella, this umbrella has no separate screen and is just a plastic stick. Although there is no screen to prevent rain, it is able to repel rain in a special way.


A Chinese scientist Chuang Wang made this modern umbrella. It is able to keep you completely dry even in light rain. It uses such modern technology that if you hold it on your head, the rainwater will fall on the side instead of on your face.


This umbrella looks a lot like a plastic stick. It has a special lithium ion battery and a separate fan to circulate the air. If you press the switch when it is raining, the powerful fan in the upper round part will spread the air to a certain degree outside. Which will push the rainwater away from your head. By doing this, no water will fall on the user and stay dry!


Although this matter sounds strange, this umbrella has already been used, experimentally this umbrella has been able to block the rain. How can the price of this umbrella? Its price will be kept between 7 to 10 thousand. It will be available worldwide in early 2015.

formula- sciencealert

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